Snickerdoodle bars with E-Z Gel

This weekend I was really jonesing for some snickerdoodles, but it was a hot day and I didn’t want to warm up the house with too many batches of cookies in and out of the oven. So what’s a girl to do? In this case… I went from making snickerdoodles...

InstaPot Brown Sugar Carrots with E-Z Gel

As we head into the summer and the temperature rises I always find myself looking for recipes which can be made without heating up my kitchen. This goes for delicious sides as well as main dishes. One side that my family is particularly fond of is carrots glazed with...

E-Z Gel Stir Fry

It’s been one of those weeks around the Brown household, where there’s always something to do. When I’m having weeks like that I find that one of my go-to foods (we’ve talked about these on FB before) is a stir fry. I almost always have...

Using E-Z Gel in Scrambled Eggs

Tips for Using E-Z Gel in Your Every Day – Scrambled Eggs Where do the days go? It seems like I blink and my day is over and I’m getting started on the next one. Today, I was pondering an E-Z Gel tip and had breakfast foods in mind, which brought me to...